The best outcome of realizing this is to move a high-stack decision (when the thing happens for the first time) to a low-stack decision (when it repeats) so we free our minds to focus on other important decisions in that time in our lives.

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Mar 3Liked by MacDaniel

Have a piece I’m going to publish about Nietzsches eternal recurrence so this hit home for me, well done!

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looking unto the piece man !

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Mar 3Liked by MacDaniel


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There's a quote, I think it's by Harry Truman, which says that there's nothing new in the world, except the history you don't know.

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Yes true man knowing what happened can save us from making repetitive mistakes.What are your great reads on history?

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2Liked by MacDaniel

I like books that don't just recall history but also explain it within certain contexts. Here, I have in mind texts like "Why Nations Fail" and "Clash of Civilizations."

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looks like good reccomendations

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