You saying procrastination can be a good way to block out the work load for a while and catch your breath is a great idea.

How about we agree that "burnout is not a badge of honour," "our races differs," "we should not always try to out work the competition" - low key eye service and "resting from work" is a great way to recharge not necessarily a "positive procrastination."

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True man! We should always try to find the balance between our work and life and at time we get burnt out for reasons we could have resolved or avoided.

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“One source of stress is not doing what you are ought to do.”

And I find it to be one of the worst kinds of stress to put myself under.

That’s why prioritize my to-do lists by importance and urgency.

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Working by priorities is key.

Thanks for reading Jamal.

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The idea of cutting the thread early is pretty substantial. This is something I will keep coming back to when I feel like I am procrastinating on my work.

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